May 1975

"On his wedding day, paying no heed to the risks involved, Brave-hearted Bill Mantlo cast aside all thought of his own safety to race to the rescue of a driverless bus plunging backwards down a hillside towards a rapidly-approaching brick wall. Stopping the vehicle mere inches from impact, Bill calmly returned to his wedding ceremony with the profound thanks of two much-relieved elder states-people still ringing in his ears.

We're proud of you, Bill, but no matter how much you argue, we still don't think Mantlo-Man deserves to star is his own mind-boggling mag yet."

From Giant-Size X-Men, Vol. 1, No. 1

April 1975

"So get on the ball, Tigers."

From Fantastic Four, Vol. 1, No. 157

March, 1975

"Holiday Greetings, right from the heart
To our wondrous scripters
Who make writing an art.
To our painstaking pencillers
Breathing life to each tale
And our illustrious inkers
Be they female or male.
To our editors, letterers,
Production folk too,
Colorists, proof-readers,
Both the old and the new.
But heading the list
Is our top superhero -
So, greetings to YOU, chum
Without you - we're zero!"

From Avengers, Vol. 1, No. 133