Who Is Steve Ditko?

Co-creator of Spider-Man, Steve Ditko is famous for weird, distinctive art, his 1966 departure from Marvel Comics, and granting very few interviews in the course of his decades-spanning career, preferring to let creations such as The Creeper, the Objectivism-inspired Mr. A, and Squirrel Girl speak for him.

Okay, Squirrel Girl not so much.

Jonathan Ross - along with such comic luminaries as Stan Lee, John Romita, Flo Steinberg, Jerry Robinson, , Neil Gaiman, Alan Moore, and Alan Moore's Beard - turns the spotlight on the artist in the swell BBC4 documentary, In Search of Steve Ditko (BitTorrent). Did they find him?

Well, that's The Question, isn't it?

February 1974


From Amazing Spider-Man, Vol. 1, No. 129

January 1974

"In answer to countless queries: Yes, the Glynis Wein who does that sensational coloring in so many Marvel Masterworks these days is indeed the lovely wife of one Len Wein. And, so help us, if your next question is 'So who's Len Wein...?'"

From Incredible Hulk, Vol. 1, No. 171

December 1973

"Bad news, it seems, never travels alone.
Only two months ago, this space told of the demise of our friend and co-worker, Bill Everett. And now, we regret to announce the untimely passing of another all-time great comic artist, Syd Shores, on Sunday, June 3, 1973."

From Amazing Spider-Man, Vol. 1, No. 127